Mutual Fund Lawyers

Mutual fund lawyers provide a variety of legal services to mutual fund (MF) companies and related employers—ranging from assistance with setting up and dissolving funds, to advice on regulatory compliance and tax issues, to representing their employer during litigation. Some mutual fund lawyers are employed by law firms that provide legal services to MF companies. There are 823,900 lawyers employed in the United States. Mutual fund attorneys comprise a small fraction of this total.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
According to the Web site, the average salary for mutual fund attorneys employed in the U.S. in March 2020 was $118,105. The U.S. Department of Labor reported that lawyers earned a median salary of $120,910 in May 2018; salaries ranged from $58,220 or less to $208,000 or more. Lawyers who worked for the federal government earned about $140,790, whereas those who worked in the ma...
Work Environment
Intellectually challenging. Demanding, but rewarding work. Sometimes stressful. Smart and interesting coworkers. Regular office hours. These are some of the typical ways in which mutual fund attorneys describe their work environment, although job settings vary by the size and type of company, the firm’s specific workplace culture (some tout casual Fridays and fun, team- building events, while o...
Job opportunities for attorneys who work for firms that deal with funds, trusts, and other financial vehicles are expected to have average employment growth through 2028, according to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). Increasing regulation by the Securities & Exchange Commission, other federal agencies, and state regulatory agencies will continue to create demand for lawyers to assist mut...