Adult and Vocational Education Teachers

Adult and vocational education teachers teach basic academic subjects to adults who did not finish high school or are learning to speak English, help prepare post-high school students and other adults for specific occupations, and provide personal enrichment. Adult education teachers offer basic education courses, such as reading and writing, or continuing education courses, such as literature and music. Vocational education teachers offer courses to prepare adults for specific occupations, such as data processors or automobile mech...
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Earnings vary widely according to the subject taught, the number of courses taught, the teachers experience, and the geographic region of the institution. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, career and technical education teachers earned a median wage of $31.31 per hour or $65,130 annually in May 2023. The lowest-paid 10 percent of these workers earned $23.76 per hour or $49,420 annually...
Work Environment
Working conditions vary according to the type of class being taught and the number of students participating. Courses are usually taught in a classroom setting but may also be in a technical shop, laboratory, art studio, music room, or other location, depending on the subject matter. Of course, when teaching in such settings as prisons or hospitals, adult education teachers must travel to the s...
According to the U.S. Department of Labor, employment opportunities in adult education are expected to decline 13 percent from 2022 to 2032. However, the outlook varies by type of institution.
Nevertheless, adults recognize the importance of further education and training for succeeding in todays workplace. Many courses are subsidized by companies that want their employees trained in the...