Art Teachers


Art Teachers


Art teachers instruct students how to produce, appreciate, and understand the fine arts. Like teachers in other fields, they develop teaching outlines and lesson plans, give lectures, facilitate discussions and activities, keep class attendance records, assign homework, and evaluate student progress. Elementary school art teachers instruct younger students in the basics of art, such as colors and basic drawing, while secondary school art teachers and college art professors generally specialize in one area ...

Quick Facts


Median Salary



Employment Prospects



Minimum Education Level

Bachelor's Degree



Student teaching



Digital Media


Personality Traits



The median annual salary for elementary school teachers was  $58,230 in May 2018, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. The lowest paid 10 percent earned $37,780 or less; the highest paid 10 percent earned $95,270 or more. The median annual salary for secondary school teachers was $60,320. Salaries ranged from less than $39,740 to $97,500 or more annu...

Work Environment

Art teachers work in generally pleasant conditions, although some older schools may have poor heating or electrical systems. The work can seem confining, requiring them to remain in the classroom throughout most of the day. On the other hand, many teachers enjoy teaching art concepts to students and watching their creativity blossom as the school year progresses. Elementary school art teachers ...


Employment opportunities for elementary, middle school teachers, and high school teachers are expected to grow about as fast as the average for all careers through 2028, according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook. The need to replace retiring teachers will provide many opportunities nationwide. However, the demand for art teachers will be much lower because schools hire a limited n...