Private Equity Chief Dealmakers

Chief dealmakers source, develop, negotiate, and close new private equity investments. Their responsibility is to obtain the target company at the best possible terms and, once acquired, work with portfolio company executives to implement an exit strategy as quickly as possible to return value to investors. Chief dealmakers are also known as managing directors, managing partners, and operating partners.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Salaries for private equity executives rank among the highest in any industry. The 2020 Private Equity and Venture Capital Compensation Report revealed that private equity and venture capital compensation had increased for the sixth year in a row. A record 68 percent of respondents reported total compensation of more than $200,000. In May 2019, eFinancialCareers indicated that...
Work Environment
As the “big kahunas” at PE funds, chief dealmakers enjoy opulent corner offices, the use of cutting-edge technology and office equipment, and the support of dedicated administrative staff.
Many private equity and venture capital professionals work long hours (sometimes more than 70 hours a week). While a good number of the workers logging this many hours are in lower-level positions such...
In the wake of low interest rates and lackluster economic conditions that saw GDP fall by 2.3 percent, investors seeking healthy returns pumped more than $500 billion into private equity funds in 2019, according to Preqin. The firms 2020 report indicated that investors did not appear to be deterred by declining market conditions. The number of private equity funds reached a record 3,524 in Janu...