Fun Facts About Vault Law's Top 10 Most Prestigious Law Firms

Published:  Aug 18, 2021

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If there's one thing most lawyers and law students love, it's trivia. Can you blame us? Being prepared with little-known facts is invaluable for awkward networking events or game nights with friends from your cohort. The Vault Law team loves trivia so much, we asked law firm associates to share some fun facts about their law firms via our annual Law Firm Associate Survey. From ping pong tournaments to tuna salad, the responses didn't disappoint. Below are some interesting tidbits shared by associates who work at the top 10 Vault Law 100 firms—read on to see if any facts surprise you.

  • Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz“Mr. Lipton is still the leader of our firm; he is not just a name on the wall. The man truly cares. In fact, he met with each summer associate over lunch in small groups, which I really appreciated.”
  • Skadden“They still serve tuna salad at every meal in honor of Joe Flom.”
  • Latham & Watkins“Every office gets a budget to spend on office treats/perks, and each office spends it differently. It's interesting to visit various offices and see what kind of in-office snacks and perks they offer to their associates.”
  • Kirkland & Ellis“Season 1 of Suits is filmed in Kirkland's New York office, and Mike Ross and Rachel Zane (played by Meghan Markle) first meet on the client-meeting floor atrium overlooking Central Park.”
  • Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP“We have an amazing cafeteria and, when the office is open, they bring in someone who makes fresh sushi once a week.”
  • Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP“The firm started out representing railroad companies in the 1800s! There are some really cool old-timey photos of the earliest partners posing next to huge railroad engines.”

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