Animal Breeders and Technicians


Animal Breeders and Technicians


Animal breeders and technicians help breed, raise, and market a variety of animals: cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, mules, and poultry for livestock; pets such as canaries, parrots, dogs, and cats; and other more exotic animals such as ostriches, alligators, minks, and many zoo animals. Technicians who are primarily involved with the breeding and feeding of animals are sometimes referred to as animal husbandry technicians. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports there were approximately 9,000 animal breeders in the United State...

Quick Facts


Median Salary



Employment Prospects



Minimum Education Level

Some Postsecondary Training



Internships, volunteering



Business Management


Personality Traits



Salaries vary widely depending on employer, the technicians' educational and agricultural background, the kind of animal the technicians work with, and the geographical areas in which they work. In general, the salaries of breeders tend to be higher in areas with a heavy concentration and in the breeding of certain specialty animals. Kentucky, for instance, leads the nation in the breeding of h...

Work Environment

Working conditions vary from operation to operation, but certain factors always exist. Much of the work is done inside in all types of facilities. Barns, pens, and stables are the most common facilities for farm animals; nonfarm animals may be bred in private homes or housing facilities. Both types of work often require long, irregular hours and work on Sundays and holidays. The work is also so...


The U.S. Department of Labor predicts that agricultural workers will experience little or no change in employment and animal breeders will experience a 3 percent increase in employment through 2028. More sophisticated agricultural technology is enabling fewer breeders and technicians to do more work in a more efficient manner, which is reducing employment in the field. Despite this decline, the...