Geriatric Social Workers

Geriatric social workers, also known as gerontology social workers, help elderly people adjust to the challenges of growing older. They develop programs and direct agencies that offer counseling, advocacy, and special services. They evaluate the needs of clients and help them arrange for such things as meal service, housing, transportation, and legal and medical assistance. Geriatric social workers also develop recreation and educational programs for the elderly.
Approximately 751,900 social workers are employed in t...
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
The more advanced a persons degree is, the more he or she can make in the social work profession. Typically, work with the elderly has paid less than other areas of social work, such as mental health and community planning. The region of the United States in which a geriatric social worker is employed also influences salaries. For example, geriatric social workers can make more money on the Eas...
Work Environment
Although geriatric social workers do spend some time in an office setting, they spend much of their time interviewing clients and the directors of programs; they also visit the homes of their clients to evaluate and take notes. They may also visit the homes of clients families. Although some geriatric social workers work in hospital and nursing home environments, others have their offices in hu...
Employment for social workers is expected to grow by 7 percent through 2033, according to the U.S. Department of Labor, or faster than the average for all careers. Those specializing in geriatric social work will be in especially great demand for several reasons. It is estimated that, as people live longer—the number of people 85 and older is projected to double, from 6.5 million in 2022 to 13....