
Futurists use their research and analytical skills to make projections about the future. They typically develop deep knowledge of a specific field (e.g., business, engineering, economics, environmental science, etc.), industry (health care, financial services, solar power, etc.), or country or geographic region (China, Far East, Guatemala, Central America, etc.) before working as a futurist. They are also known as foresight practitioners, futurologists, strategic planners, and strategic foresight professionals. The...
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) does not provide salary information for futurists, but salaries for full-time futurists are similar to those earned by college professors. The DOL reports that college professors earned median annual salaries of $84,380 in May 2023. Earnings ranged from less than $49,440 to $182,710 or more.
Employers offer a variety of benefit packages, which can inclu...
Work Environment
Futurists work in typical office environments and have a standard workweek (Monday-Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). They occasionally work at nights and on weekends to finish reports or other assignments. Futurists travel to industry conferences and meetings, as well as to conduct research in other states and in foreign countries. Those who work as college professors typically have summers off,...
The field of futurism is very small, and it is extremely difficult to develop a full-time career as a futurist. Yet, the demand by corporations, government agencies, nonprofits, and individuals for insights on what might happen in the future continues to increase, suggesting that futurists with considerable experience and a strong presence on the Web and social media will have good job prospect...