Environmental Lobbyists


Environmental Lobbyists


Lobbyists are people who strive to influence legislation on behalf of a special-interest group or a client. Like other lobbyists, environmental lobbyists strive to influence state or federal legislation in order to achieve a goal or to benefit a special-interest group. Environmental lobbyists, however, deal specifically with environmental issues. They urge legislators and other government officials to support measures that will protect endangered species, limit the exploitation of natural resources, and impose stricter anti...

Quick Facts


Median Salary



Employment Prospects



Minimum Education Level

Bachelors Degree



Three to five years of legislative experience dealing with enviro



Interpersonal|Organizational|Public Speaking


Personality Traits



Salaries for lobbyists in all industries ranged from less than $45,000 to $59,500 or more in December 2024, according to ZipRecruiter.com. They earned median annual salaries of $50,941. Federal lobbyists earned an average salary of $90,984 per year as of December 2024; salaries ranged from $11,000 to $133,000 or more. Environmental lobbyists usually work for not-for-profit organizations with ex...

Work Environment

Most environmental lobbyists work for not-for-profit organizations, and they often have limited staff and even more limited budgets. Due to these limitations, environmental lobbyists usually combine highly professional skills, such as scientific or legal expertise, with clerical capabilities. In other words, environmental lobbyists must be willing to stuff envelopes as well as meet with senator...


There is no shortage of environmental concerns in the United States, often represented by environmental groups that work to protect air and water from pollution and conserve resources as businesses cut down forests for timber, develop land for housing and industry, and mine the earth for manufacturing. This profession is, therefore, expected to grow about as fast as the average during the next ...

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