Political Speechwriters

Political speechwriters prepare speeches for individuals in the political arena. They write for politicians in all branches of government, from the local and state level to the national level, including the president of the United States.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Salaries for speechwriters (including political speechwriters) vary depending upon experience. Salary.com reported the median salary for speechwriters was $134,063 in April 2020. The lowest 10 percent earned $87,753 or less and the top 10 percent earned $205,658 or more. Salaries also depend on geographical location and the level of government for which the speechwriter writes.
In May 20...
Work Environment
The work environment of political speechwriters can vary. At times, they may find themselves working in a relatively quiet office. They may also find themselves traveling on a crowded bus, train, or plane with the politician for whom they are writing, trying to craft a speech that needs to be finished by the time they arrive at their next destination. Work hours in this profession can be long a...
The U.S. Department of Labor does not provide employment outlook information for the career of political speechwriter, but it does report that job opportunities for all writers will show little or no change through 2028. It is safe to say, though, given the prevalence of politics and the importance of effective communication in the world today, that political speechwriters will have steady empl...