Online Journalists

Online journalists research and write content for Web sites. They may be full-time salaried workers or employed on a freelance basis. They may work for online publications, professional associations, businesses with an online presence, and government agencies. Some writers are volunteer online columnists or contributors and do not get paid for their writing. Some online journalists also write articles for print publications.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
There are no official salary figures currently available for online journalists. However, as with other Web-related jobs, some online journalists may make slightly higher salaries than their counterparts in traditional journalism, but most earn less. According to the U.S. Department of Labor, the median yearly income of traditional reporters was $46,270 in May 2019. The lowest paid 10 percent e...
Work Environment
Online journalists may work in a variety of settings. Freelancers generally work out of their homes or private offices. Salaried writers working for a company generally work out of the companys offices in a clean, well-lit facility. Telecommuting is becoming more popular and may be an option at some companies. Whatever setting online journalists work in, they have access to technology equipment...
Though the overall employment rate for reporters is expected to decline through 2028 due to newspaper mergers, closures, decreased circulation, and more limited revenues, more rapid job growth is expected in new media areas, including mobile/online newspapers and magazines. The employment of online reporters should grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the next decade. T...