Internet Quality Assurance Specialists

Internet quality assurance specialists make sure software, applications, and Internet access are not only user friendly but that they also deliver what is promised. For example, anyone who has surfed the Web, found a store site, ordered a sweater, and received exactly the right sweater has benefited from the work of a quality assurance specialist. To do their work, specialists plan and carry out a process of testing, correcting, and retesting the software, applications, and Web sites. They work on sites for stores, banks, schools, o...
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Salaries for Internet quality assurance specialists vary widely and are based on such factors as a persons experience, geographic location, and company size. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that computer systems analysts, a similar occupation to Internet quality assurance specialists, earned a median salary of $90,920 in May 2019, with the lowest 10 percent earning less than $55,18...
Work Environment
Internet quality assurance specialists can generally expect to work in clean, well-lit offices with high-tech equipment. Depending on the project, they may work independently or as part of a team. This type of job can be very intense and require long hours to complete a project. Some situations in which quality assurance specialists are driven by a strict deadline or testing and development are...
Demand for Internet quality assurance specialists is expected to grow as more and more companies make e-commerce a vital part of their businesses and as others seek to enter international markets via the Internet.
Advances in Internet technology will contribute to the high-tech employment growth. Not only can more go wrong as sites increase in complexity, but also the potential problems ...