Online Producers

Online producers are responsible for organizing and presenting information that is available on Web sites. They edit and/or write news stories, arrange the text, and any accompanying photos for online publication. They sometimes work with other workers to incorporate slideshows, background music, or audio interviews to better complement a story. While many online producers are employed in journalism, a growing number of producers find work managing corporate Web sites for advertising agencies, employment firms, pharmaceutical compan...
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
According to, interactive producers earned median annual salaries of $61,645 in May 2020. Salaries ranged from less than $49,000 to $93,000 or more.
Online producers typically receive benefits such as vacation and sick days and health insurance. Self-employed producers must provide their own benefits.
Work Environment
Online producers—especially those in journalism—work in hectic, fast-paced environments. Deadlines are short and may come at any time of the day or night. Online producers must be able to drop a current project, shift gears, and quickly focus on a breaking story. Most online producers have more editorial control as opposed to editors on the print side of a publication. Since much of their work ...
The Web has already had a major impact on how people receive and access their news and information. And with the popularity of smartphones and tablet computers with Internet access, the number of people turning to Web-based news and information is expected to grow. Most, if not all, forms of traditional media—newspapers, magazines, and television—have a Web-based counterpart. And with more corp...