Foreign Correspondents


Foreign Correspondents


Foreign correspondents report on news from countries outside of where their newspapers, radio or television networks, or wire services are located. They sometimes work for a particular newspaper, but since today's media focus more on local and national news, they usually rely on reports from news wire services to handle international news coverage rather than dispatching their own reporters to the scene. Only the biggest newspapers and television networks employ foreign correspondents. These reporters are usually stationed in a part...

Quick Facts


Median Salary



Employment Prospects



Minimum Education Level

Bachelor's Degree



Two to three years' experience as a general reporter



Foreign Language


Personality Traits



Salaries vary greatly depending on the publication, network, or station, and the cost of living and tax structure in various places around the world where foreign correspondents work. Generally, salaries range from $65,000 to about $80,000 for those with 10 or more years of experience. Some media will pay for living expenses, such as the costs of a home, school for the reporter's children, and ...

Work Environment

Correspondents and other reporters may face a hectic work environment since they often have tight deadlines and have to produce their reports with little time for preparation. Correspondents who work in countries that face great political or social problems risk their health and even their lives to report breaking news. Covering wars, political uprisings, fires, floods, and similar events can b...


Consolidations, mergers, decreasing circulation, and increasing operating expenses have hindered the news industry, and employment at newspapers and magazines is expected to decline through 2028, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Employment is expected to be slightly better for reporters and correspondents at small local newspapers or television and radio stations, although opportuniti...