Bank Examiners


Bank Examiners


Bank examiners, also known as financial examiners, investigate financial institutions to ensure their safety and soundness and to enforce federal and state laws. They arrange audits, review policies and procedures, study documents, and interview managers and employees. They prepare detailed reports that can be used to strengthen banks.

A bank examiner's fundamental duty is to make sure people do not lose the money they have entrusted to banks. Bank examiners protect account holders. They also protect the federal and ...

Quick Facts


Median Salary



Employment Prospects



Minimum Education Level

Bachelor's Degree



Five or more years of experience



Business Management


Personality Traits



The U.S. Department of Labor reports that financial examiners earned median annual salaries of $80,180 in May 2018, with 10 percent earning $42,150 or less and 10 percent earning $154,590 or more.

Most state and federal employees receive excellent benefits, such as health insurance, dental and vision coverage, life insurance, retirement packages, savings plans, sick leave, paid holidays,...

Work Environment

A bank examiner is a nomadic creature, spending several weeks or months in each location before moving on. Bank examiners often work closely with teams of up to 30 or 40 other examiners who also are separated from their family and friends. Most examination teams develop a strong sense of camaraderie that sustains them during the weeks they must live out of hotels. To compensate for the travel, ...


Employment for financial examiners will grow faster than the average for all occupations through 2028, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Opportunities for examiners are expected to be best in the finance and insurance industries. The financial crisis of 2008-09 has prompted government agencies at the state and federal levels to more closely monitor the activities of banks, and the fede...