Customer Service Directors

Customer service directors are responsible for assuring the highest level of customer satisfaction for an organization. They direct and oversee an organizations customer service policies and objectives and establish and develop policies and procedures. Customer service directors are also known as directors of customer service and customer service managers.
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Earnings for customer service directors can vary greatly depending on a number of factors. These include their specific job duties, the size of their company, geographic location, and industry in which they work, as well as their level of experience. Customer service directors earned median salaries of $123,338 in 2024, according to Earnings ranged from $39,000 to $196,500. Di...
Work Environment
Since customer service is so important, most companies have customer service directors or at least employ someone to handle the responsibilities of that job. Customer service directors work in many industries including business services, education, government, retail and wholesale, software, telecommunications, transportation, healthcare, hospitality and leisure, insurance, Internet services, m...
The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) does not provide an employment outlook for customer service directors (CSDs), but it does offer a prediction for the lower level occupation of customer service representative (CSR). Employment prospects for CSRs are expected to decline by 5 percent through 2033 as more of their tasks become automated. Companies are utilizing technology (including artificial in...