
Telemarketers make and receive phone calls on behalf of a company in order to sell its goods, market its services, gather information, receive orders and complaints, solicit donations, and/or handle other miscellaneous business.
Telemarketing professionals might work directly for one company or for several companies that use the same service. In addition to selling, telemarketers place and receive calls in order to raise funds, conduct marketing research surveys, or raise public awareness. Accordingly, a wide variety of organ...
Quick Facts
Median Salary
Employment Prospects
Minimum Education Level
Personality Traits
Telemarketers earnings vary with the type of work they do. The pay can range from the minimum wage ($7.25 per hour, which is $15,080 annually) to more than $18 per hour (more than $38,000 annually). Pay may be higher for those who deliver more elaborate sales presentations, work weekends, or make business-to-business calls. As telemarketers gain experience and skills, their pay increases. The m...
Work Environment
The offices in which telemarketers work can range from the very basic, with standard phones and desks, to the highly advanced, with computer terminals, the latest in phone technology, and machines that automatically dial numbers from a database. There may be just four or five telemarketers in a smaller office or more than 100 working at a larger office. The work is not strenuous but it can be v...
Employment for telemarketers is expected to decline by 14 percent through 2029, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. In the past, the career of telemarketer consistently ranked as a fast-growing occupation, but growth has slowed in recent years as a result of the movement of call-center jobs overseas and the implementation of the National Do Not Call Registry. The National Do Not Call Reg...